The Awesome

♥ Nurul Syafinas Rosli ♥
♥ One four ♥
♥ Single ♥

Heart dem'

Nisa Esmail
Skin By AtiraNatasya
Basecode By Atika
Niy makan dia . Haha
Thursday 9 February 2012 | 07:23 | 0 panda

Haha , rimas gyle aku . Aku on skype nak skype , aku buad nama 'Ohh' kat depan dy buad nama 'Ohh' kat depan . Aku gy skolah , sibuk nak jumpa . Aku rimassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss tau takkkkkkkkk rimasssssssssssss , tau pon aku sombong . Takyah lah nak ber, hye-2 lg kat chat tuu . Ha , ambek kau . HAHA .

Budak sakai ever :)
Monday 23 January 2012 | 09:29 | 0 panda
Hai hai korang , HAHA . Okay , entry yang niy aku nak mara-2 , je . Boleh ? HAHAHAH . --'

Kaykay , mcm niy kesah budak sakai ever niy . HAHA , pun boleh . Aku text dia , mcm biase . Then , text text text aku rep mcm niy ' Pengguna bb da hot sekarang ' Kayy , tu aku puji . And sumpah , time tu mmg da takde topik . Then kau ckp ' Tade masee na hot ' .. Then ' Aha . Yole ' aku rep .. Thennn ! kau yang tak rep . Lama lama lama , kau rep . ' Kalau text just for sakitkan haty , such a childish tau tak ? ' Aku rep , ' Er ? ' HAHA . PERSOALANNYA DI SINI ! Sala ke aku nak puji ke gurau ke ? And and , status kau dulu dua bulan sekali je , sejak ada bb niy . Kemain rancak status kau . Dats why aku ckp kau dah hot . Kenapeee ? Kau benci ayat hot tu ? At least kau cakap laaa , mana ade hot lah , hee . Take it sbagai gurauan . And satu benda je nak ckp kat kau weh , semua pergaduhan yg kite penah alami sebelum niy . Act , berpunca dari diri kau sendiri :) Kau tak payah laa nak ckp aku psycho ke , ape ke . Kau yang psycho --' Yeeeeeee , memang . Aku ungkit ean ? Sebab tu yg kau nak . Bunguk je .

And fact :
 . Lelaki tak matang .
Biasanya, lelaki lambat capai kematangan berbanding perempuan. Perangai lelaki yang macam budak-budak membuatkan perempuan jelik, dan menyampah pada lelaki.

Yeah , selanjutnya .  Click sini . Kesimpulannya , jangan salah kan orang lain kalau dah tau kau yang salah ! Andddddddddddddd , kalau gurau sikit tak boleh . Jangan tegur aku ! :)

Hye , oral 2012 :D
Wednesday 21 December 2011 | 23:14 | 0 panda
Hye peeps , he . Holiday blom abes . 2011 , form 1 hampir berlalu bornday pon tak lepas lagi . HAHA , acano niy dah habes form 1 tapi blan 12 baru nak masuk 13 . HAHA , and back to topic budak tak cuku umur niy . HAHA . Sajaa buad oral . Sediakan payung sebelum hujan , da laaa aku amek take time nak hafal oral . HAHA , so , aku hafal sekarang :P , and aku buad tajuk pasal high heels , jengjengjenggg .

-For beginners, wearing high heels can be a tricky task which is difficult. Wearing high heels is not easy as you have to balance your body in those long sticks known as pencil heels which is not easy. Every women loves to wear high heels as they look lean, confident and high heels add to the personality of a woman. But high heels also has some disadvantages which if neglected can lead to serious problems. Lets check out the disadvantages of wearing high heels.
-Walking: Wearing high heels and walking can be a difficult as you have to balance your body in the heels and walk. If you lose balance, you fall down! Even the walking pattern is not correct, it can easily lead to foot pain. Walking long distance with high heels can be painful. Suffering from heel pain due to walking or standing on high heels for longer time is common.
-Sprain: If you have started wearing heels recently, then you might have experienced getting leg sprain. Learn to balance your foot in high heels with practice and walk slowly. Avoid wearing heels if you have to walk a lot especially in rough road.
-Ankle pain: As you wear high heels, your body weight falls on your ankles and if you wear heels for a longer time, it has side effects. Wear high heels but avoid wearing for a long time. The ankle pain may not be immediate but with time your constant ache in ankle will increase foot pain due to exertion of body pressure on the foot.
-Back pain: Your body comes forward which leads to a pressure in the back. The pelvis and gravity line move forward. Keep the back backward to avoid getting back pain from high heels. However walking pattern, exercise and yoga may help you avoid getting back pain due to high heels.
-Hard heels: Wearing high heels exert pressure on the heels which makes them appear yellow in color and hard. After taking out high heels, apply body lotion or moisturizer to keep the heels soft and smooth.
-High heels has both disadvantages and advantages. Wear heels to flaunt the personality but not regularly to avoid getting serious leg and back injuries especially in old age.

So how ? Takk best kee tajuk niy ? :(
Aku nak buad jugakkkk ! HAHA , kbyepeeps :D

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